Last updated Thursday, August 13 2021 at ungodly hour
New AM Friday Last spot left!
Let’s start the second half of summer with an adventure on the Nysa Kłodzka!

Merry-making and fun guaranteed for all but the grumpiest of cats. Pirate rum and local beers available on site,
or simply bring your own. Also bring:
- Sunscreen
- Something against light rain, just in case weather changes
- Bug spray
- Comfortable clothing for a roughly 3hr ride down the peaceful Nysa Kłodzka
- Swim suit if you’re brave
Get sated at the bon-fire with anything you’d like to bring, or buy something from the shore restaurant. Fish, chips, and other options available.
Option 1
Saturday at 12:45, August 14, 2021
Wrocław Głowny, back entrance between station and Wroclavia shopping center.
Train departs 13:11, we arrive at Bardo at 14:29.
Option 2
Saturday at 14:45, August 14, 2021
On-site: Grunwaldzka St., Bardo (unnumbered) at
Rafting Bardo Spływy Pontonowe & Kajakowe
Option 1
Eat at Bardo after rafting, return at 20:46 in Wrocław on the 19:26 train.
Option 2
Raft, then immediatelly return to Wrocław at 19:47 on the 18:32 train.
6/7 filled.
(Anja, Giri, Elena, Slawek, Boris, Elena)
Pontoon ride: 50PLN / pirate (includes rental of all needed equipment)
About 40PLN for train there and back
Discounts on train ride available if we purchase a ticket for 2+ people at once.
I can make a group purchase for train tickets, no need to individually stand in line. They can also be purchased on the train with a 5PLN surcharge.
Pontoon-ride tickets will be purchased on-site.
Nysa Kłodzka’s weather is unpredictable. The best plan is to pay an extra 1 PLN for a train ticket to Kłodzko, instead to Bardo. If Bardo looks scary on arrival, we can keep going. 10 minutes later we’ll arrive in Kłodzko.
We can have a lunch in some comfortable and dry restaurant, then expolore Fort Kłodzko where the rain won’t bother anyone.
- Comment below
- +48 502 707 539 via SMS / Call
- WhatsApp under # above or
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- Via FaceBook until Friday night. (I don’t have it on my mobile, so for last minute shit send an SMS or call.)